Appendix D. Configuring larswm

Table of Contents
larswm Resources
Generating A Default .larswmrc

On startup, larswm will look for the file $HOME/.larswmrc. You can tell it to read a different file with the -f command line switch.

larswm Resources

Following is a complete list of all resources recognised by larswm and used to set user preferences on startup. In addition to these, you can configure the keyboard shortcuts using resources, but these are mostly self documenting if you print out a default .larswmrc with the -defaults command line option.

Table D-1. Available Resources

larswm.border: integerWidth of the window borders in pixels, 0-128, default 2.
larswm.tile_pad: integerHow many pixels to leave between windows when tiling, 0-128, default 2.
larswm.foreground: stringForeground color, default black.
larswm.background: stringBackground color, default white.
larswm.font: stringMenu and status bar font, default fixed
larswm.terminal: stringCommand for opening a new terminal window, default xterm.
larswm.desktops: integerHow many virtual desktops per screen, 1-16, default 4.
larswm.dtname.#: stringVirtual desktop name
larswm.#.#.tile_resize: booleanResize windows when tiling, default True.
larswm.#.#.left_track_width: integerPercent of screen width used by the left track, 5-95, default 65.
larswm.#.#.skip_focus: booleanStart in Skip Focus mode, default True.
larswm.#.#.clickthru: booleanStart in Clickthru mode, default True.
larswm.sticky_notile: booleanMake all windows on the untiled subdesktop sticky, default False.
larswm.application.#: stringDefine the command used to start an application. For use with keyboard shortcuts.
larswm.floatclass.#: stringMake window class float above all other windows.
larswm.toolclass.#: stringTreat window class as a tool.
larswm.stickyclass.#: stringMake window class be visible on all virtual desktops.
larswm.dotileclass.#: stringAssign window class to the tiled subdesktop.


Resources ending with a number means you need to provide a unique index for each resource of that type. Use numbers between 0 and 63.

Tip: Resources with two numbers in the middle of the name means you can optionally limit that resource to a specific screen and/or virtual desktop. Please see the section called Screen and/or virtual desktop specific preferences for more information on this.

Tip: All of the options that take a window class as an argument takes an optional instance, specified after a tilde. As an example, if you do this:
larswm.dotileclass.0: Netscape~Navigator
then only the main browser windows will be tiled, and not all the other types, like download progress etc.

Screen and/or virtual desktop specific preferences

Resources with two numbers right after the larswm tag means you can optionally limit that resource to a specific screen and/or virtual desktop. The following table lists the combinations, highest precedence first:

Table D-2. Resource Precedence

FormatScreens AffectedDesktops Affected

Tip: Since more specific resources takes precedence over less specific, you could do this:

larswm.0.3.skip_focus: True
larswm*skip_focus: False

This would enable skip_focus only on virtual desktop number 3 on the first screen.